SanTan Sun Article: Police Rep Disputes Mayor's Take On Chandler Crime
During the Mayor's State of the City address, Mayor Hartke announced a 30 year low for crime in Chandler. However, that statistic doesn't reflect current issues affecting police, including internet crime, sex trafficking, homelessness and mental health calls.
CLEA is encouraging the Chandler City Council to commit to recruiting an appropriate number of police positions to our city. Please visit the article on these comments and President Michael Collins' response (linked below). We're attaching social media posts with details too, so please share with your contacts as well.
SanTan Sun article: https://santansun.com/2022/02/...
CLEA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cpdCL...
City of Chandler FB: https://www.facebook.com/cityo...
Mayor & Council: Mayor & Council email